Dr. Charles T. Mangrum and Dr. Stephen S. Strichart formed Mangrum-Strichart Learning Resources in 1997 to develop computer and print products that help students learn and use the skills and strategies that are important for success in school at all levels. Their products are comprehensive in scope, yet easy to use by students, teaching personnel, and parents.
Dr. Charles T. Mangrum II earned a B.S. in sociology and an M.S. in Education from Northern Michigan University, an Ed.S. in Reading Education from Southern Illinois University, and an Ed.D. in Reading Education from Indiana University. Dr. Mangrum taught in elementary and in public high schools in Michigan and served as a reading consultant in Illinois public schools. He was Professor of Reading Education and Special Education at the University of Miami for many years. Dr. Mangrum also maintained a private practice in which he evaluated several thousand students for learning problems and possible learning disabilities.
Our study skills products are used by more than 5,000 schools worldwide.
Dr. Stephen S. Strichart earned a B.B.A. in Business Statistics and an M.S. in Clinical School Psychology from the City College of New York, and a Ph.D. in Special Education from Yeshiva University. Dr. Strichart taught special education classes in the New York City public schools. He was Professor of Educational Psychology and Special Education at Rutgers University and Florida International University for many years. Dr. Strichart also maintained a private practice in which he evaluated several thousand students for learning problems and possible learning disabilities.
Dr. Mangrum and Dr. Strichart have published numerous articles and research studies in professional journals, and they have made major presentations at state, national, and international conferences. They have authored textbooks and instructional programs for major publishers. A number of their publications and programs attained number one sales status in the United States.
Publications by Dr. Mangrum and Dr. Strichart include the following:
Our Books
- Teaching Study Skills and Strategies in Grades 4-8 (Allyn and Bacon)
- Teaching Study Skills and Strategies in High School (Allyn and Bacon)
- Teaching Study Skills and Strategies in College (Allyn and Bacon)
- Study Skills and Strategies for Students in Upper Elementary and Middle School (Mangrum-Strichart Learning Resources)
- Study Skills and Strategies for Students in High School (Mangrum-Strichart Learning Resources)
- Study Skills for Learning Disabled and Struggling Students (Merrill)
- Teaching Information Literacy Skills (Allyn and Bacon)
- Developing Competencies for Teaching Reading in the Elementary School (Charles E. Merrill)
- Teaching Content Area Reading Skills (Simon and Schuster)
- Colleges with Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders (Peterson's Guides)
- College and the Learning Disabled Student (Grune and Stratton)
- Psychoeducational Assessment of Children with Low Incidence Handicaps (Grune and Stratton)
- Developmental Theory and Research in Learning Disabilities (University Park Press)
- College Money for the Asking (Frederick Fell)
Instructional Programs
- Learning to Study (Perfection Learning)
- Comprehension We Use (Rand McNally)
- Strategies for Effective Reading (McGraw- Hill)
- Take Five Series (Curriculum Associates)
- Phonics Plus (Pearson Education)
- McGraw-Hill Integrated Language Arts Program (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill)
- Sadlier Word Study Reading Program (William H. Sadlier)
- Letter Sounds All Around (Bowmar)
- Reading Aids Series (International Reading Association)